The past and future of Latin American film are under threat.
Historic films continue to be lost as valuable productions
escape the protection of commercial and social interests.
Meanwhile promising filmmakers are neglected, as many Latin
American production teams remain under-promoted and under-financed.
Film is an important part of the unique cultural tapestry
of the Americas. Filmmakers have recorded the dreams, ambitions,
trials and tragedies of the continent’s past. The medium is
however fragile and deteriorates under inadequate care. In
Latin America, the rates of film loss are considerable higher
than other regions. Fewer than 10 percent of Latin American
films produced before the 1920s survive and of films produced
before 1950, less than 30 percent survive today. This tremendous
loss can be attributed to a lack of funding and commercial
interest to store and protect valuable works.
The films of today also suffer similar neglect. Though Latin
America has one of the largest entertainment markets in the
world, it is chronically underdeveloped when compared to other
regions. Latin America occupies a mere 3 percent of worldwide
film production, when over 650 million people speak Spanish
and Portuguese. Though there has been a surge of talented
young filmmakers, a deficit in funding and training perpetuates
a grossly underdeveloped film industry.
Americas Film Conservancy (AFC) is a California registered
nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that realizes the need for
institutional aid in developing the potential of Latin American
film. AFC is a unique organization that takes a pan-regional
approach to the preservation of Latin American film and the
promotion of its future.
We work with filmmakers, archives, universities, laboratories,
NPO´s, production companies and philanthropists to ensure
the physical survival of historic works and the promotion
of todays filmmakers. Our mission is to ensure a bright future
for the Latin American film industry while preserving and
guarding the rich heritage of its past.