AFC offers a number of programs as part of a holistic strategy
to promote and protect Latin American film. Our programs are
designed to achieve three objectives; film awareness, film
preservation and industry promotion. Planned programs and
services include:
Film Awareness
An important objective for AFC is to build the awareness of
Latin American film in the US, Latin America and other markets.
Through generating greater awareness of film heritage and
successful filmmakers, we can strengthen the industry for
a bright future. AFC works with the following to build awareness
AFC Newsletters
AFC Galas and Seminars
AFC Film Festivals
Film Revival
Film Revival
AFC is committed to keeping Latin America’s film heritage
alive. AFC works with a number of organizations and individuals
to encourage the effective archiving, storage and restoration
of historic films. These efforts are combined with pan-regional
coordination and promotional events to increase the relevance
of historic films as a valuable resource. AFC works with the
following to revive historic films.
Film Archiving
Orphan Film Protection
Film Preservation
Film Restoration
Industry Promotion
AFC also promotes the successful film professionals of today
and the visionaries of tomorrow. By supporting the development
of film professionals we can assure that the industry has
the talent and human resources required for a new era of success.
In particular AFC provides donations and scholarships for
film scholars, film archivists and film makers. AFC works
with the following to promote the Latin American film industry
a a whole:
Film Exhibitions
YUFM programs
Scholarship Programs